Accident Policy and Form
An accident is an unplanned, uncontrolled event, which causes, or could cause injury, damage or loss. In most cases accidents can be avoided and it is our intentions to prevent as many as possible.
CHCC aim to reduce the risk of accidents by:
● The premises are regularly checked and used properly.
● Members and visitors are aware of hazards
● Members and visitors are encouraged to care about their environment and others using the premises.
● Members identify and report hazards and risks and encourage others to do the same.
● Club Chairman and Club Welfare Officer to oversee all health and safety issues.
CHCC classify an accident as what has been witnessed and an incident as something that was not seen.
Accidents Involving Youth Players or Children
All accidents and incidents involving youth players or any child must be recorded on the appropriate Accident/Incident Form and reported to the parents/carers. If they are not present this will usually be when they collect their child. If it is a serious injury or one that needs medical assistance the parent will be informed immediately. If parents are uncontactable, each registered youth player has a nominated carer identified on their registration form who will be contacted in the parent’s absence.
Youth Coaches and the Club Welfare Officer have all attended the GCB First Aid Course and will deal with minor injuries.
First aid boxes can be found at the following locations:-
● Home Team changing room
● Both youth team kit bags
The boxes are checked regularly and refilled by the Club Welfare Officer. Notices are enclosed in each First Aid kit advising to alert the CWO when supplies have been used.
Accident/Incident Forms are enclosed in each of the three First Aid Kits. If first aid is given it must be recorded on the first aid form and returned to the CWO at the earliest convenience. The CWO must be informed of any accidents relating to any youth player (i.e. any child under the age of 18 years).
There is always at least one first aider present during any youth game or organised training session. All accidents are recorded on an Accident/Incident Form, which includes details of the injury, first aid that is given and any actions taken . The form is completed and signed by the person giving first aid.The form is then forwarded to the CWO and kept in the Accident/Incident File.
All accidents and incidents are reviewed by the Management Committee to see if anything can be done to prevent the accident/incident happening again.
The CWO must notify the GCB appointed Welfare Officer Tom Boore and/or safeguarding children agencies of any serious accident or injury to, or serious illness of, or death of, any child whilst in the presence of the club or during any home or away matches, and act on any advice given.
Accidents/incidents relating to senior cricketers or visitors to the club must be reported to the Club Chairman and recorded using the Accident/Incident form.
Serious injury or death and how to deal with these events
CHCC will notify the GCB of any serious accident, illness or injury to, or the death of, any child or adult whilst on the club premises or whilst representing the club during any away matches, and any action taken in respect of it.
CHCC would make the notification as soon as is reasonably practicable, but within 14 days of the incident occurring.
CHCC would also notify the local child protection agency and act on any advice given.
CHCC would always follow our accident procedures in any accident or injury.
Procedure to follow for dealing with injuries involving blood or bodily fluids
Should bleeding occur at any time the following points should be followed:
● Put on latex gloves provided in all First Aid Kits.
● Try to stop the bleeding by applying pressure to the wound with a dry sterile dressing.
● Try and keep the person as calm as possible.
● Ensure there are 2 responsible adults with the injured party so that if assistance is needed in any way one can remain with the person at all times.
● Deal with any spillage immediately, using disposable items such as cloths, paper towels which can be thrown away after the spillage is cleaned up. Clean the area thoroughly using diluted bleach 1 part bleach to 10 parts water.
● Ensure all non injured parties are being cared for and reassured appropriately about what is happening.
● Replace a sterile dressing on the child/adult.
● Hands should be washed and dried thoroughly after the child/adult is cared for and any
bleeding has stopped.
● If bleeding starts again new gloves must be put on to prevent infection.
● If you feel medical assistance is required call 999 and ask for an ambulance. If they need
assistance but not as an emergency inform the parents and advise them to visit their local A&E.
● If ever in doubt always phone for an ambulance, especially in the case of children.
● If medical assistance is needed you must inform the GCB appointed Welfare Officer, Tom Boore within 14 days that the incident occurred on 01452 700228 or 07717 193 435
There is a list of up to date contact numbers, hospital A&E and walk-in centres available on the club noticeboard
ECB encourage anyone with any concerns to contact them. This can be done by calling 020 7432 1200 and asking for a member of the safeguarding team or by emailing .